Saturday, September 29, 2012

Vacation: Space Needle and Mt. Rainier

These chipmunks playing at Sunrise Lodge
were just about the cutest thing ever.

Simiao visited me for our 2-year dating anniversary, and to celebrate we visited the Chihuly museum and the Space Needle at Seattle City Center, and then drove out to Mt. Rainier National Park the next day to explore the area around Sunrise Lodge.  Sunrise Lodge is the highest elevation accessible by vehicle, and I hoped we'd get lucky and get a day where it wasn't too cloudy to see Mt. Rainier.  It turns out that it was mostly obscured, but the mists swirling around the trails made a great subject.  As you reach the ridge along the Sourdough Mountains, you can feel the strong wind resulting from the air being forced over the Cascades and can actually see the newly-formed clouds being formed on the mountaintops and whipping down into the valley below.  It's an area that really has to be seen in order to be appreciated, and I'm told that when the alpine meadows are in bloom that the area is a sight to behold.  Unfortunately that part will have to wait until July 2013 or so, but I've included some of our favorite pictures for you to appreciate now.

A unique view of the Space Needle from the Chihuly Museum.

No trees were harmed in the making of this photograph.

Western Pasqueflower in seed.  Obviously not my shot,
Simiao has an eye for composition.
Another shot by Simiao looking South from the Sourdough Trail

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